:: LETRAS EN INGLÉS :: Letras de canciones en inglés traducidas para aprender inglés

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Lyrics Katzenjammer - "To the sea" traducida al castellano - Grandes éxitos para que afines tu inglés

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Letra en español de la canción de Katzenjammer, To the sea (letra traducida)

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Katzenjammer - To the sea

No esperes entender el 100 % de la letra de la canción, debes intentar afinar el oído para distinguir las palabras de la letra, aunque no sepas lo que significan en un primer momento, si escuchas varias veces la misma canción te darás cuenta que la letra se va aclarando en tu cabeza.
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Letra de la canción To the sea, de Katzenjammer, en inglés (english lyrics)

The wind is a'whipping through the open doors
Speaking of the sea and the rolling' waves
Maybe there's a ship at the bottom now
or struggling on the surface with a cry for help

Wish I could forget and let the years go by
Wish I could escape from my dreams of you
Twenty years ago it was a howling storm
as the voice of a god from a great beyond

I was standing on the shore as the sky grew dark
with a hand on a bible and a hand on my heart

Wish I could forget and let the years go by
Wish I could escape from my dreams of you
Because all I have left is the voice of the wind
Blowing through the doors of our house

The sun was drying up the rain in our sky
Shining gold in our sails and our hearts standing by
Remember what they're singing on their way to the sea:
“Goodbye fare thee well, goodbye for me”

Wish I could forget and let the years go by
Wish I could escape from my dreams of you

Empty were the coffins and the house where we lived
as the grave that I dug by our place on the beach
How I wish the water could be poured out of the sea
so I can go and get you back ashore with me

Wish I could forget and let the years go by
Wish I could escape from my dreams of you

Because all I have left is the voice of the wind
Blowing through the doors
Because all I have left is the voice of the wind
Blowing through the doors of our house

Katzenjammer - To the sea

> Más letras de canciones de Katzenjammer <